C.A. Technologies Air Assisted Airless Pump Outfits Complete
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The Care and Feeding of Your PumpAir Spray Tech Consulting
Tech Corner
The air powdered motor that drives the pumping system is a very dependable power delivery method for your air assist airless pump. (Hydraulic motors, gasoline engine or electric motors are other methods that may be used.) Proper care for the air motor requires the compressed air be clean, dry, free of oil and particles. The air connection to the pump should be off and then turned on at a low air pressure setting and increased slowly to higher pressure. Excessive air pressure may cause the air motor to 'jackhammer'. This is a shock to the pumping system. This can cause damage to the air motor and to the packings in the fluid section. Slowly increase air pressure to the air motor and drive the pump slowly. The pump will provide longer life with this type of careful and operation.